Celebrate, reflect, enjoy

Australia is a nation rich in history and people. Our national identity reflects the vibrancy and vitality of shared experience and journey. Central to our unique cultural landscape is the role that immigrants have played in the development of our political, social and economic lives.

The story of immigration is one of family, tradition, opportunity and wisdom. It speaks of courage, ingenuity, sacrifice and inspiration. It celebrates diversity and innovation. It honours and respects individual contributions, knowledge and experience.

Immigration Place will reflect these stories and offer a place to meet, celebrate and consider our immigrant heritage and collective achievements. It will be a place of welcome, a significant commemorative place for all Australians within Canberra’s Parliamentary Triangle. It will encourage reflection on the past and influence the future.

On 21 March 2015 the winner of the Immigration Place Select Design Ideas Competition was announced.  For more information about the winning design, please click here.

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